Saturday, April 10, 2010

Random Saturday Thoughts

Random Thoughts that make me smile:

Smile #1: Today after Will gets off work we are headed to Fort Worth to spend time with the family and meet our new niece Hadley. Hadley was born April 2nd and from her pictures she is absolutely beautiful!

Smile #2:Last night Will and I went to see "Date Night." It was funny and we had a good time hanging out together. I enjoy the time that Will and I can share laughing and talking. It is nice to always have your best friend around. Yay, marriage.

Smile #3: This past week was crazy at school as my kids are finishing up their research papers!!! Now that we are past the HUGE research paper assignment, we can have fun and read more literature!! My sixth period was pretty entertaining yesterday as we read "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner. If you have read the story you know the "n-word"is used several times throughout the story. While race is not a major theme in this particular story it was still important for me establish a safe environment and create an open dialogue about the word to my racially diverse class. I begin my whole spill about the time period, and attempt to explain to my students in a mature setting the magnitude of words. Yeah, right... my kids' solution was to substitute the "n-word" to the word "nacho."Just imagine how ridiculous that sounds... I have a feeling that we might need to go back to a few passages on Monday to make sure they remember ANYTHING from the story except the "nacho servant in Miss Emily's house." Ah, 16 year olds! My job is certainly not easy, but I LOVE those kids. They can humble me with their brilliance, sincerity, passion, understanding, and smiles. They can also shock me with their apathy, immaturity, and poor choices... But no matter what, at the end of the day those are my kids and I would do anything to help them find success. Teaching definitely plays with your emotions!

I hope your Saturday is full of sunshine, good books, laughs, smiles, and SLEEPY PUPPIES! That is certainly mine today. :)